Why Nepenthes Leaves Curl and Turn Yellow (The 7 Reasons!)
Grow Nepenthes in 60% Humidity
Grow Nepenthes in 60% Humidity
With more than thousands of different plant species available, it’s hard to know which ones are easy to grow and which ones are not. But to help you out in the process, here’s a compilation of some easy and low-maintenance plants you can grow at home! The 10 hard-to-kill plants that beginners can easily grow…
Neem oil has become rapidly popular amongst plant owners and can be seen almost everywhere. While it is an effective pesticide, it only works if you use it properly—I got you though! Here’s a detailed guide on how to use neem oil on houseplants and the most common mistakes you should avoid. Neem oil is…
Gardening requires a lot more patience than we’d like sometimes. While there is no such thing as a plant that will grow instantaneously, there are a few plants that grow a lot faster than the average houseplant! The 20 fastest-growing plants to grow indoors are: Plants can be notoriously slow at times and it can…
In 1875, Charles Darwin wrote that the Venus flytrap “is one of the most wonderful plants in the world.” Darwin was awe-inspired by how the flytrap could move without muscles or nerves. But what do you do if your Venus flytrap won’t close? Here are all the reasons your flytrap might not close and what…
Christmas trees are commonly known to be evergreen. But the truth is, not all of them are! This is just one of the reasons why their needles turn brown. So check each of them to see which is the most likely cause of brown needles! Christmas tree needles turn brown as a result of natural…